In the EU, the Netherlands ranks sixth in terms of economic development. The country is the largest transport hub in Europe with low unemployment (5.9%), inflation (0.1%) and an annual GDP growth of 8.5%. The business is accumulated in the fields of food and chemical industries, the oil refining industry and the production of electric cars are flourishing. Agriculture is fully automated, labor is minimally involved (2%), which allows the Netherlands to take the second place in the world in the export of agricultural products. Holland of its kind, an amazing country of contrasts. A modern and free territory, which occupies the 134th place in the world in size, is highly developed in the industrial sphere, has open opportunities for any type of activity, appreciates innovation and science. This all attracts businessmen who want to get a fresh breath of air and realize their business ideas in the Netherlands. Opening a business in the Netherlands attracts with the absence of corruption in the country. And there isn’t it not because of harsh punishments, but thanks to a well-developed system in which it is easier to honestly pay taxes and openly conduct your business. For example, the tax rate in the Netherlands is only 25%, while in other European countries it can be 30-40%. It is worth noting that the Netherlands is in the Top 10 countries in terms of exports. This confirms that everyone can succeed with only one desire to enter the European markets with their own product.
Do you think it is easy to register your business in the Netherlands? - This is easier than it might seem at first glance. Today we will consider some aspects of starting a business in the Netherlands and obtaining a residence permit.
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