It's actually very simple. Obligation is a debt or other financial responsibility to other people or organizations. You can also say that a commitment is a claim against your business from other people or organizations. This is how accountants often view obligations. Another type of business claims comes from you (and / or your shareholders) in the form of capital within the business. Let's combine and get a simple equation:
Assets = Liabilities + Ownership / Equity
Remembering the basics of mathematics to highlight the role and importance of commitment, we get this option:
Liabilities = Assets - Ownership / Equity
As mentioned, commitment is all your company owes, and usually it's money. Borrowing money is considered undesirable in our personal lives, although it may be unavoidable. But every business has at least a few obligations that they pay off on an ongoing basis, and that's a normal part of the business process.
Submission of taxes
You have two options for filing your tax return. You can record the profits / expenses of the business on your tax returns, or you can keep your company's tax returns separate as its legal entity. Most small business owners prefer the ease of filing a tax return on their tax return, but filing a tax return separately can help you separate personal and company finances.
Partners or Investors
If you start your business with a partner or private investor, you will not be able to create a sole proprietorship. You can choose between a partnership, limited liability partnership or LLC.