We can conclude that it is advisable to consider an enterprise from two points of view: first, as a set of production factors that are transformed into goods and services to meet the diverse needs of society; secondly, as a sphere of realization of material interests and achievement of economic goals by market participants. Since the enterprise carries out economic activities to achieve social and economic goals, the management of its operation is impossible without taking into account the factors of the internal and external environment. Marketing is the only management tool that can take into account changes in the external and internal environment, focusing on certain features of the enterprise as a subject and object of production activity. Therefore, considering the theory of enterprises, it is advisable to focus on marketing as the basis for the development of enterprises. In our opinion, the need to highlight the special role of marketing in enterprise theory is obvious. This theory should reflect the place of marketing in the enterprise, its relationship with other aspects of the enterprise, take into account the contribution of marketing to the formation of the organizational structure of the enterprise, taking into account its goals. All this should form the basis for the further development of marketing theory, which can be used for strategic management of the development of marketing activities of an industrial enterprise. More here - https://www.worldbank.org/
