A business process is a set of specific actions, procedures, operations that are closely interconnected and repeat with a given regularity. In this case, existing external resources are used, and the result is a kind of valuable product that the consumer needs. As a rule, the manager and person responsible for creating a system of business processes is a single manager. The product can be created for an external consumer (which is not part of the manufacturing company) or for an internal (that is part of the organization).
When creating business processes, it is important to know in advance who the consumer will be. After all, it depends on the latter (directly or indirectly) what this process will be, and in general, whether there is a need for it. For example, let's say we are talking about a tire company. The main business process here is the production of these tires. Here, the sequential execution of a number of operations has been established, the necessary resources are used in the form of raw materials directly, as well as labor, electricity, and so on. At the exit, the consumer receives the tires he needs. Who is the consumer? These are wholesale firms (one or more) that buy goods and distribute them to retail outlets, where everyone can buy them. Now, another example: the company buys the raw materials needed to produce these very tires. Here, too, all the procedures typical for the creation of business processes have been performed, however, we are already talking about the internal consumer, namely, about the own production workshops of the same company, where rubber raw materials are prepared, metal cord rubberizing and so on.
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