The main features of the western management style are:
1) individual responsibility;
2) self-assertion of the heads of individual departments in the enterprise.
The formation of the Western management model took place in specific conditions, which determined its effectiveness.
In Western countries, the need for effective management arose more and more, and it became the source of management formation.
Participants in the Anglo-American management model include owners; shareholders Managers government organizations; Exchange consulting firms.
Distinctive features of the western management style:
1) employees lack a sense of dedication to their work;
2) a decision is made by one leader, subordinates only help him choose a solution based on an analysis of production costs, sales;
3) business relationships are never combined with personal ones.
Features of American management are that businessmen:
1) act in a straightforward manner;
2) resort to the order in the process of negotiating a decision;
3) do not make long retreats, but immediately proceed to the very essence of the issue.
The main goal is agreement. One of the most important conditions is compliance with all laws, regulations, provisions, and not the benefits and consent between partners. The composition of the American delegation at the negotiations necessarily includes an authorized representative with the right to make decisions, and a lawyer.
The benefits of the English management style include:
1) increased attention to production costs (the desire for their constant reduction);
2) the development of new high-tech products, thorough research and development;
3) flexibility in the use of technological processes, i.e., the modernization and implementation of new processes occurs quite quickly. The distinctive features of German management are:
1) foresight;
2) high discipline;
3) a longer process of introducing innovations, modernizing production.
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