Corporate site is an Internet resource that provides detailed information about the activities of an organization or enterprise: description of services, development history, terms of cooperation, online services, open vacancies, interesting offers, news and other facts and events that reflect the activities of the company. All information presented on the site is usually collected in a managed single database.
A corporate site differs from a one-page site or landing page by a multi-level structure and large amounts of information, as well as the ability to:
integration into the internal corporate network;
document management and accounting;
management and visualization of business processes;
advanced management of the POP3 mail server;
web resource clustering i.e. its geographical distribution on several servers in order to improve portal accessibility and its scaling under heavy loads;
automatic message sending (Push & Pull);
full integration with mobile versions of online stores;
A / B testing for conversion, with changes in the architecture and design of the site;
advanced web analytics necessary for successful marketing events, etc.
Such a corporate portal focuses primarily on existing and potential business partners, as well as on the media.
Examples of tasks that a corporate website solves:
providing round-the-clock access to relevant information;
automatic acceptance of orders and their processing;
conducting surveys and research;
conducting advertising campaigns;
mail processing, organization of mailings;
expanding customer base and sales geography;
recognition among potential customers.
Under the concept of "corporate site" one more type of web application falls - an internal resource created for business communication of employees. This is a complex software product that allows you to set tasks within one organization, use a single database, establish interaction between geographically distributed branches, etc.
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