Starting your own business is not easy. It requires experience, effort, daily expenditure of time, stress, risks, communication with clients, subordinates, tax authorities and other business-related features. Moreover, not every person is predisposed to do business. I'm not discouraging you from my business at all. However, I would like to note that there is no need to personally engage in business to increase your money. Imagine that you have already built a business - a money-making machine that confidently increases the money invested in it. If you invest $ 100, then in a year you will receive $ 200 at the exit. And if you invest $ 10,000, then in a year you will receive $ 20,000 at the exit. But what if you do not have a free amount of $ 100,000 yet? But do you know that this amount is at the disposal of your neighbor? I think you will come to your neighbor and propose a deal: "Lend me $ 100,000 now, and I will return you in a year, say, $ 150,000." You will not be left at a loss. After all, you already have a money machine, which, as you know, will help you "make" $ 200,000 in a year. Of this $ 150,000 you will return to your neighbor, and $ 50,000 will become your net profit. Or perhaps you will tell your neighbor about the potential risks and rewards of your business and offer to co-founder it. That is, to give you money not in debt, but on the terms of receiving a share of the future profits of the business. And it will also be mutually beneficial. Both you and your neighbor.
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