The first is associated with the effect of integration in general, regardless of the form in which it is presented: a holding, a financial group, a simple partnership, since it is clear that during the period of general economic globalization, it is usually less profitable to carry out activities in an autonomous, uncooperative structure than in an integrated.
The second group of the holding's advantages is associated with the specifics of this particular form of business association. The effect of the merger of business entities into a holding as a “synergistic effect of the system” is that the benefits of the merger are not achieved through arithmetic addition. And by multiplying the capabilities of all organizations included in the structure of the holding. Holdings as a type of business associations have the following advantages in comparison with non-integrated commercial organizations:
- the implementation of the scale of the resources used (production assets, investment funds, labor resources), including the ability to attract qualified management, scientific, production personnel;
- minimization of the negative impact of competition for the members of the association, in comparison with independent producers not included in it, since the members of the association, as a rule,
do not allow mutual competition in the same market;
- the possibility of producing competitive products (works, services) due to the creation of a self-sufficient vertically integrated system (for example, from the extraction of raw materials to the release of finished products of a high degree of processing;
- significant centralization of capital, which, depending on the economic situation, can "flow" from one sphere
business activity in another;
- the possibility of diversifying production to reduce entrepreneurial risks and ensure the specialization of certain types activities as a condition of their competitiveness;