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Strong team building and effective HR function

Organizational structure is the backbone of the stable functioning of a business. Create a clear hierarchy, centers of responsibility and responsibilities for each employee. Then there will be no confusion in the company regarding the distribution of work, the search for those responsible in case of an error, and everyone will understand their place in the company. Another plus of the organizational structure of the business is that when someone is fired, the work system will not collapse and you can easily find a new person to replace. Therefore, do not create hybrid employees who do everything. Their effectiveness in the company is low, and their indispensability is obvious. When a company has an organizational structure and a systematic approach to management, business processes move faster, because there are no "gaps" and questions "what's next?" The team turns into a team that follows a common course and does not require constant management control. A team of like-minded people who share the company's corporate culture and values, brand ideology, will do much more than a team of people who do not understand each other. It is important to establish an HR function and effective recruitment at the very beginning of a company’s work. Create a psychological profile of suitable employees, develop an adaptation system, introduce personnel development tools and performance assessment - all these are internal mechanisms that will grow from employees to be real "stars" in their field.

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