Asset protection is an essential part of any system, be it your marital status or business. Leaving assets unprotected means substituting your bare back for the most indecent people who will take pleasure in using the results of your work and put you in an uncomfortable position. Imagine that your business is being taken over by raiders because you did not properly own the stock. Or scammers get a general power of attorney for your property, and then they sell your apartments, houses, cars and family photos, and with the money earned they calmly fly to Miami. Do you want this? Definitely not. That is why it is necessary to pay great attention to the protection of assets - so as not to bite your elbows when someone more cunning or arrogant takes advantage of the breach in your defense and drags all the most delicious parts of your brainchild to yourself. More seriously and generally, asset protection is a set of measures aimed at reducing various risks that can lead to the loss of your property, be it your home, your bills or your juice business. There are various dangers from which you need to protect yourself and your nerves, since they are not iron. And prevention, as you know, is much more effective than treatment after.
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