The term "International Market" (MR) is confused with the concept of "World Market". The world market is a complex of national markets of various states in full, and not only their individual elements, and MR is one of the constituent parts of the world market.
International market functions
Stimulating function. MR stimulates the process of expanding the offered goods and services, as well as various aspects of the production sphere.
Regulatory function. The MR regulates the attraction of various new goods and services and their circulation in the field of international economic relations.
Information function. The state, thanks to the Ministry of Finance, receives the information necessary for a more rational use of its economic resources, and can also compare the volumes of production within its country with the volumes of production of other participants in the international market.
Social function. With the help of the MR, the state provides the best means of meeting social needs and achieving equality within society.
Integration function. MR is important in ensuring productive cooperation between different states and creating a common economic space.
Sanitizing function. The main task of this function is to identify and withdraw from circulation goods that do not meet current quality standards, and, as a result, are not able to withstand competition in the world market.
