Despite the similarity of laws in many EU countries, the tax system in France is significantly different from other Western European states. The French budget for the most part consists precisely of taxes. In the French Republic, social tax accounts for almost half of the taxes received in the budget. For example: in EU countries, social tax is 1/3 of all. Over the past 30 years in France there has been a strong decentralization of tax revenues. Every year, the municipal administration has more and more opportunities for the distribution of funds received from taxes on their territory. Indirect or consumer duties on the amount of budget revenues are much higher than direct taxes. It was in the French Republic that the VAT spread around the world was created. The priority of resources is the foundation of the French budget. First, the government approves the revenue side of the budget, and then taxes are collected on it and, after analyzing the funds already in the budget, distribute income. Unification in France takes place according to the requirements of the European Union. Fees must be paid by everyone. Instead of giving up tax benefits, the state reduces rates. All laws related to the regulation, cancellation and creation of new taxes are considered by the French parliament. In the French Republic, tax revenue is more than 90% of all budget revenues.
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