With huge capital, multinational companies are the main participants in trade and economic relations in the international market. They account for over 50% of all industrial production and 70% of international transactions concluded. MNCs have a great impact on the development of the world economy, contributing to the growth of production efficiency and improving product quality, giving impetus to the development of science and technology. The main features of a multinational company are as follows:
multinational equity capital;
international leadership team;
economic and commercial activities are carried out in different national markets.
Sometimes multinational companies are also called transnational corporations (TNCs), but this is not the same thing, since TNCs can have leaders who are citizens of the same country. However, both MNCs and TNCs are characterized by a desire for global integration, which allows them to strengthen their financial positions and increase their economic influence in the world market.
Most multinational companies are powerful financial and industrial groups (associations), which include several smaller companies from specific industries. The main task of MNCs, like any company, is to generate profits only on a large scale. To this end, many of them form strategic alliances to capture national markets and gain access to cheaper raw materials. More here - https://www.worldbank.org/
