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Domain business ideas

Domain business as a business idea is nothing new. The most adventurous Internet entrepreneurs saw an opportunity to make good money on the Internet by reselling domain names back in the late 90s and early 2000s. At the dawn of the development of the Internet, when your own website was mainly the privilege of medium and large businesses, and individual bloggers and users were content with free resources such as LJ, few would have thought that in just 5-10 years, the cost of some domain names would grow by hundreds and thousands of times. By and large, the essence of the Internet business of reselling domains is very simple: buying a domain name is cheap and selling it is expensive. The main difficulty lies in predicting in advance which site name will become popular in the future and, accordingly, will bring the greatest profit.

One of the important factors in buying and selling site addresses is the cost of registering and maintaining a domain. Depending on the registration zone, the cost of a domain name can vary considerably. Therefore, it is important to choose not only a reliable registrar, but also one who can offer domains cheaply, since the income of the Internet entrepreneur will depend on these costs.

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