Time is a non-renewable and very expensive resource for any person, especially for an entrepreneur. I appreciate your time that you invest in reading this article, so the goal is the practical benefit of using the information received. This article is for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs, marketers, and anyone who is constantly looking for new ideas for development and innovation. In this post I want to consider 12 innovative and breakthrough, for my time, business models. The use of these models has given companies a long-term competitive advantage and large profit growth. Let's look at the components of the business model innovation process. In the process of innovation, several main stages can be distinguished: analysis, creative reproduction and recombination of existing ideas and principles from other areas, implementation.
Key principles of innovative business modeling:
Ignore the status quo (dominant industry logic)
Forget about the past
Stop looking back at competitors
Challenge the orthodoxy
Generate as many ideas as possible
Allow yourself to be wrong
The goal of any business model innovation is to break down the dominant industry logic so that your client gets even more value, and the company has a competitive advantage and more profit.
This is exactly what the companies that implemented the business model innovation succeeded in using the patterns from the list below.
More information here - https://www.worldbank.org/en/about/leadership
