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Business Expertise

“Business Expertise, Information on Business Transactions” is a category of services in class No. 35 according to the classification of MKTU, which describes assistance in managing a business.

The class mainly includes services provided by persons or organizations whose main purpose is: (1) assistance in the operation or management of a commercial enterprise, or (2) assistance in managing the affairs or commercial activities of an industrial or commercial enterprise, as well as services, provided by advertising agencies, providing mainly communication with consumers and notification or announcement by any means of information about all kinds of goods and types of services.

Each trademark is registered in relation to certain goods and services, distributed by class. In total, there are 45 such classes today (34 - goods and 11 - services), they are established by the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Registration of Marks (ICSTU).

Expertise (from Lat. Expertus - experienced, knowledgeable) - a study conducted by a competent person involved on behalf of interested parties, in order to obtain answers to questions that require a certain special knowledge.

The examination is carried out on issues arising in legal relations between legal entities, with the aim of resolving disputes, establishing evidence. The examination is carried out by a specially attracted person - an expert with special knowledge that its initiators do not possess.

An expert study is formalized by a motivated expert opinion, which describes the progress of the study and provides answers to the questions posed. The obtained conclusion is evidence proving the presence / absence of the factual data of interest in resolving a particular issue or becomes the basis for a trial. More information here -

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