-lack of double taxation with many countries of the world;
-registration authorities do not show interest in business plans of entrepreneurs;
-An accounting report is submitted once a year;
-convenient geographical location;
-The authorized capital in the LLC is 1 kroon;
-there is no currency control;
-the unity of the rights of foreign individuals and legal entities with Czech citizens when -registering companies;
-access to the markets of all EU countries when conducting international trade;
the opportunity after registering a business to acquire real estate (including commercial) and land in the Czech Republic;
-obtaining a business visa for a period of one year with the possibility of extending it for 5 years, and subsequently, when fulfilling a number of very real requirements, obtaining permanent residence in the Czech Republic and citizenship of the republic.
Income tax. Income tax is paid by all resident companies on their worldwide income and capital gains and is assessed based on the company's annual net profit minus the deductible expenses. Non-resident companies pay taxes on income earned in the Czech Republic. Starting January 1, 2011, the standard income tax rate is 19%, a reduced rate of 5% applies to income from investments and pension funds. Investment income received by Czech companies from abroad makes up a separate tax base, with a tax rate of 15%. The tax rate for foreign and domestic investors is no different.
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