Many businesses are created spontaneously without some well-thought out action plan, and even more so without a well-developed strategic plan. Yes, of course, entrepreneurs have some kind of idea in their heads that seems promising to them, so they actually decided to take up its implementation. Logically, it is better to initially build a business on a system basis. In this case, the company will successfully develop, work efficiently and bring good dividends to the owners. Most, at least, novice entrepreneurs do not. Having caught fire with some kind of business idea, they can start implementing it without even having to draw up a business plan. In the best case, they will make some calculations, as they say, on the knee (although it is now fashionable to say "on napkins"). Someone may say that there are examples of very successful companies that were created in this way. Yes, there are such examples, but they are few. Those companies that fell apart (in just a couple of months or years) are disproportionately larger. Very few people know about this. Naturally, most of us know only about a small number of successful examples, and many do not even suspect a huge number of failures in business. Even if the company lives a few years after its creation, then in the future it may face other problems (perhaps even more serious than the problem of becoming and survival). Sometimes, it would seem, paradoxical situations. The company is getting bigger and bigger, and the amount of dividends that owners receive, on the contrary, is getting smaller and smaller (both in relative and absolute terms).
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