Show business prospects, possible ways of future development of your goods and services. Inform your readers and customers about what you are doing for the future development of your products and services. Keep up with the environment. Explain how your business is helping the environment. Ecology and environmental protection is an important topic today. If you want to grow your readership, you can write some articles on how you deal with this topic.
Write a clear and accessible guide about your products and services (possibly in a guide format). You may already have an instruction manual. But the idea is based on the fact that you can post the guide as a series of articles with infographics on your business blog. This way, your readers can always find it and read it. Write something selectively about your past experiences of starting and growing a business. Show your readers that you are a real person, tell about the problems that you have overcome and your business experience. What kind of experience you have on the way of building and developing your company. A friendly comparison with competitors. What makes your company's business different from your competitors? Show the difference between you and your competitors by blogging about it. But use facts, not assumptions. More here -
