1. Preparation. It usually takes 80% of the time compared to the length of the meetings themselves.
2. Goal-setting. Speak and write down the goals clearly and make sure they are understood correctly by the whole team.
3. Analysis of the current situation. Here you need to assess the situation within the company, study the market, competitors and other external factors that affect the performance of your company. Do not neglect this stage and devote enough time to it, because without a clear understanding of where you are today, it is impossible to understand where to move tomorrow. In addition, you need to know your competitors very well in order to understand which competitive strategy to choose.
4. Forecast. Planning is impossible without long-term forecasts, which, in turn, are divided into general forecasts for the development of the company as a whole and individual forecasts for individual areas of activity, divisions, departments.
5. Identification of alternatives. Think over several scenarios for further actions.
6. Evaluation and selection of alternatives. Choose the most viable option.
7. Working out the details of the decision.
8. Determination of criteria for the effectiveness of the plan. Understand what results and in what time frame should be achieved in order to understand how productive the work is.
9. Setting goals and objectives, forming an action plan. Break down the global goal into sub-tasks so you know where to start. Small tasks are easier to complete, and positive intermediate results will increase team motivation.
10. Completion. As a result, you should get a clear plan of action for the next period for each department. Questions for the strategy session
When you hold a strategy session for the first time, it is not always clear what topics to bring up for discussion. The correct answer is everyone! You need to go through all the elements of a systems business:
Development goals of the company for the long and medium term.
Development priorities for the coming year.
Optimization of the organizational structure.
Control system.
Strategies and action plan for structural units: HR, production, sales, marketing, finance.
Revision (or creation) of corporate values and desired competencies of each employee.
Creation or strengthening of corporate culture.